At this point in the trip, all-things-American are constantly on my mind: I miss my family, I miss my friends, I crave good ol' southern cuisine, I long for the freedom of my own culture, I'm ready to drive myself around again, and I look forward to the comfort of air conditioning...
As I've said before, my roommate Cullen and I share the same birthday so we celebrated in grand style last week. It was Cullen's 21st, and I made it a point to give him the best birthday possible in a country where 21 is just the same as any other birthday. One of my favorite professors here, Rijan, delivered us a cake as our friend Bobby-Joe cooked up a delicious chicken gumbo for the group. We were all impressed by his culinary skills and thoroughly enjoyed our meal after a long four hours of cooking. After dinner, we had a few drinks and played some cards while listening to some of our favorite American music. Later in the evening, my roommates and I took a walk around the city to try and up-the-ante on our night. To say we did just that would be an understatement. After sleeping in the next morning, we unfortunately had two tests to take. I did well, and am hoping that my grades will be a significant improvement from last year.
Last week, we had a run-in with a large rat in the apartment. As much as I like to say I'm not afraid of rats, my actions in the moment indicated otherwise. Cullen and Matt went chasing the thing out of the apartment and down the stairs while I stayed put on top of one of our chairs. Sure enough, a few minutes later Cullen showed up grinning and holding the dead rat with pride. A good story, indeed.
I also took my first practice LSAT last weekend. I don't know what I was expecting, but it was long and challenging. I made a decent score for my first time, and am looking forward to improving upon that base-score in the next couple months while I prepare to apply for some of the most prestigious Law Schools around the country.
Yesterday I went to Amman for the first time and purchased a few gifts for my parents, grandparents, and friends. I'll have to say, as much as I love to gift, a few of my friends may be disappointed in me this year. Put simply, I just don't have as much money as I did this time last year. I'm satisfied with the few gifts I did buy, however, and am excited to pass them out when I get home.
After a long day of studying, I think I'll get some dinner and watch a movie before calling it an early night in preparation for our last week of school! Wow, it feels good to say that.
I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer vacations! I'm looking forward to doing nothing for a few weeks before school starts in late August. See y'all very soon...
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