

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Honking Continues...

Let me apologize to those World Cup fanatics who may be reading, but I am just about sick of this world-wide competition. It would be fine if I was in America and could sit peacefully in my condo and avoid the pointless screaming and fighting over the wins or loses of each person's favored country. Instead, I am in a country where there is nothing to do, absolutely nothing, except for watch the World Cup at cafes all around the city. There's simply no escaping the madness. Hours and hours after the games crazy people scream and honk while hanging out of their windows waving the flag of the team who reigned victorious on any particular day. It just gets old...

Today I went to Amman with a fellow classmate of mine from Taiwan. His name is Nathan. I really wanted to see "Prince of Persia" but it wasn't playing so we had to settle for the new Tom Cruise/Cameron Diaz movie "Knight and Day." The plot was ridiculous and the acting sub-par, but I've been bored and love the movies so we had a good time. After the movie we had some lunch then headed back to Irbid. I need to do some homework tonight and get organized for the week but not really in the mood.

Tomorrow we begin our fourth week of classes and I feel like I'm finally in a groove with the whole school thing. Our tests are difficult and the grammar is frustrating but I'm learning. It's also nice to get to practice everyday on the streets, as frustrating as it can be sometimes.

Cultural notes: A large majority of taxi drivers play Qu'ranic recitation in their cabs. It can be eerie at times, to be honest. Opportunities in music education are virtually non-existent except at the University level. It breaks my heart to think about all the kids who have had no opportunity to study music in this country. Arabic music uses quarter-tones a lot, which makes the piano kind of obsolete. And I learned three of the main scales they use. All very interesting.

I think I told y'all that I was looking for some community service to do while I was here. Well, today while I was in Amman the guy I wrote my interest letter to called me at the hotel. I'm about to call him back. I really hope something works out!

Happy Fourth to everyone back home. Party hard for us. We'll be in class...


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