

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'm alive!

This is long overdue. The last few weeks have been a series of ups and downs, but I’ve definitely found my place here. In an effort to save a little money, my diet has consisted mainly of shwarma and falafel for quite some time now, with the occoasional Mcdonald’s meal, of course.I really wish we had a kitchen in our hotel. It would have been nice to cook some meals every once and while, but oh well.

Since you last heard from me I’ve visisted some of the most amazing sights Jordan has to offer (i.e Petra, Aqaba, and Wadi Rum) and had what I would consider my most important birthday yet: 21! Let’s start there. After class on Monday I skyped with my family. It was nice to see my mom, sister, Dad, and our beloved dog Cocoa. It was early in the States so everyone was getting ready to begin their day. My brother, Adam, was beginning his new venture as a football manager for Madison Central High School so there wasn’t much time to talk with him or my Dad, as he was driving him to the high school that morning. Due to some technical difficulties with my mother’s skype account, she woke up my sister to use her computer then we all talked for a while. It was so nice to hear from everyone and get to see their faces. My family means the world to me and I love and miss them so much. It will be nice to get back to my comfortable home.

After I talked with my parents it was on to the grandparents. It was great to hear from them as well and talk to them about a possible birthday present. I will be going to Voodoo Fest in New Orleans this year because of their generosity. I love them so much. It was the best birthday present they could ever get me. I’m extremely excited. Me and some of my best friends will head down for the festival in late October and spend three days listening to some amazing music and enjoying one of my favorite cities in America. Thanks, Nana and Grandy!

I still haven’t told you about our long weekend trip. So a couple of weeks ago I had a very short three-day week before leaving for the trip. Unfortunately I got sick for the first time the day before we left, but it wasn’t that bad and allowed me to skip a day of school and watch movies, something I can always appreciate. It took me a good minute to get over the stomach problems but it by no means ruined my trip.

We began our trip in Petra, one the “new” Seven Wonders of the World. It’s also where they filmed “Indian Jones and the Last Crusade,” if you’ve seen that movie. The first day we spent lounging around our hotel. There was a nice pool and some of the guys and I went exploring in what was surely a restricted area behind the hotel. But, hey, we didn’t get caught and it was a lot of fun. That night we had a nice dinner at the famous “Cave Bar” in Petra. The name pretty much gives it away, but it’s basically a 2,000 year old Nabataean tomb that has been transformed into a pub. I met some Canadians who were traveling and actually got to plug in my Ipod later in the night and let the Arabs here some real American music. Good times.

The next morning we were all supposed to meet down in the lobby at 6:00 a.m. to begin our tour of Petra, but a few of us decided we needed a couple more hours of sleep. So, after a nice buffet breakfast we headed that way around 10:00 a.m. and actually saw some of the group on their way out as we were headed in. It’s a long walk down the historic Siq before you reach the ruins of Petra. When I turned the corner and had the first ruin in sight it literally took my breath away. This place is amazing! Here’s a picture. It by no means does it justice, but better than nothing.

It was hot that day and being late we didn’t have time to see everything, but I definitely feel like I got my money’s worth. For students it only cost 1JD for a ticket, everyone else pays much more. Student discounts are always much appreciated. I like being a student.

A few ours later we were back on the bus for the short two hour bus ride to a desert named “Wadi Rum” in the midst of a stunning mountain range. We stayed in a traditional Bedouin camp and were served a traditional meal and provided with entertainment in the form of a talented Udd player and traditional dance. There were also Arabic wedding festivities to be had between two of the members of our group. All in good fun, of course, but it was hilarious. I’m getting ahead of myself. Before the night began, we took a trip in the back of a few trucks to a large sand dune below one of the mountains. After much difficulty (sand is not easy to climb!) I made it to the top and the view was spectacular. Also, this sounds weird, but the sand moved like water! It was the strangest thing but because it is so fine grained, it just seemed to flow like a stream. After a couple minutes we were called back down so we woudn’t miss the sunset.Running down the sand dune was so much fun! The sand lessens the impact of your stride and makes it really easy to go full steam ahead. I wish we had had more time and a sand board.How cool would that have been?

A few minutes later we were watching one of the most amazing sunsets I have every seen in my life. I was in a pensive mood and definitely had a moment. I have been blessed with some of the most amazing opprtunities in my life and I hope that I haven’t squandered this one missing all things American. I have learned more about myself and gained more patience than I ever thought was possible. My best friend in the world told me that the frustration is part of the experience, that I will come back so much of a stronger person. I think she is right. I started to gain some perspective sitting there watching the sunset, however fleeting that moment may have been. I digress. We slept in tents that night and I got to enjoy an amazing night sky. It was a simple evening but probably one of the things I will remember most. Here are a few pictures:

The next morning it was off to the beach at Aqaba! We stayed in a five-start resort with an amazing pool, delicious food, and a 10-foot walk to the beach. I was in heaven. Some of the group went snorkeling but a few of us stayed behind to enjoy our new home for the evening. That night we had a little hotel party in one of our rooms and after a while Katharine, Antonia, and I went down to the beach for some good conversation. There’s nothing quite like the beach at night with good company, so relazing and refreshing. I slept like a champ then woke up to room service: real pork bacon (for the first time in over a month!), French toast, and fresh squeezed orange juice. I splurged, what can I say. I was reading on the beach quickly after breakfast and got some sun before we boarded the bus for the long bus ride back to Irbid. Here’s a picture from Aqaba. Try not and be jealous.

What else? Class is going well, although I’ve let my grades slip a bit. I have a solid week of classes left and can hopefully redeem myself on the final exam, but at the end of the day, all is well. I came here to improve my speaking skills and have done just that. It’s like pulling teeth sometimes, as language learning often is, but I feel much, much more comfortable holding a conversation in Arabic and am looking forward to sharing my new vocabulary with my friends who speak Arabic at the Brittany Store in Oxford. I think they are going to be impressed.

Today in class I planned out the rest of my trip. It was therapeutic. Tomorrow I’m going to make my last trip down to Amman to finish up my gift buying, see Inception, and eat some Chinese food. On Saturday I think some of us will visit the ruins at Jerash and the historical Ajlun Castle. Then it will be time to start our last week of school here. It’s only a four-day week because we will be testing all day on Thursday. Please keep me in your prayers on Thursday. It will surely be a rough day. After the test, though, my friend Sarah and I will travel to Tel Aviv then Jerusalem for the weekend. I’m excited about getting in some last miunte beach time on the Mediterranean and staying at a roof-top hostel in the old city of Jerusalem. When I get back from my weekend trip, it will be time to pack the bags and get on a flight back to America. For all who are curious, my flight leaves at 2:55 a.m. the morning of the 10th and I’ll be arriving in Jackson around 6:00 p.m. that same day.

I made the conscious decision to really focus on my studies this next week and learn all I can before my departure. It will be so nice to be home again, though. I love and miss you all.



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