

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Second Week Is Almost Over?!

It's hard to believe, but tomorrow we will finish up with our second week of classes. My apologies to those of you who are more interested in my blog posts than others (i.e. my family), I just haven't really felt the need to update it too often considering how uneventful things have been here on the front-end of the trip. They will surely get more exciting, and when that time comes you will hear every detail of my adventures.

I have established a pretty good routine. It's so nice having an apartment with a kitchen and washing machine. As crazy as it may sound, when things get boring I very much enjoy being able to clean up, wash clothes, cook, etc. I never thought those words would come out of my mouth, but while I'm here it's definitely the truth.

On Monday a few of us got out and threw the frisbee around, one of my favorite things to do back in the States. I, of course, forgot my disk at home, but luckily one of the guys here plays for the Ultimate Team at Ole Miss and brought his along. We also had a University dinner last night to welcome all of us in the Arabic as a Foreign Language Program at Yarmouk. There are a lot more people here than last year. It's pretty cool being a veteran of the program; people seem to look up to us, and it's nice being able to show the new students around Irbid. I am amazed at how much I remember from last year.

In my free time, I have been reading a lot and watching a lot of pirated DVDs. I finished up with Carl Sagan's sci-fi novel "Contact" and was actually really glad to be done with it. I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong, but for a large part of the book I had no idea what was going on; a lot of science and math talk, and if you know me, you know that's not my strong point by any means. Now I've started "The Help" and haven't been able to put it down. I love how it's set in Jackson because I can picture everything perfectly. I also have found a new favorite T.V. series:"Modern Family". If you don't watch this show, you should. It literally makes me laugh out loud hysterically.

Off to finish up with some homework, then maybe grab some food. Hope all is well in the States, I miss everyone but time is flying by. I'll be home before I know it.

Until Later,

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